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Christos Dritselis


Assistant Professor

Phone: +30 24210 74183
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Christos Dritselis is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Thessaly, specializing in 'Experimental Hydraulics' (2024). He holds a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (2001), a Master's Degree in 'Energy Systems, Industrial Processes, and Anti-Pollution Technology' (2002), and a Ph.D. in Engineering (2007) from the University of Thessaly. He has over 10 years of research experience following the completion of his Ph.D. in various academic institutions. He has worked on 17 basic and/or applied research projects in the broader field of Fluid Mechanics. His research interests include fluid mechanics in energy, process, and environmental systems, mathematical modeling of flow and transport phenomena, experimental and computational fluid dynamics (CFD), particle flows, multiphase flows with free surfaces/interfaces, and hydrodynamic turbulence. He has published over 50 papers in scientific journals and international conference proceedings and he has given invited talks at universities and conferences. Finally, he has served as a reviewer for more than 80 papers in 28 scientific journals and conferences, as well as for research proposals funded by the European Commission.

Undergraduate Courses
Fluid Mechanics
Experimental Hydraulics

Office Hours
Tuesday      10:00 – 12:00
Thursday     10:00 – 12:00

Web profiles
Google Scholar

Lampros Koutas


Assοciate Professor

Phone: +30 24210 74179
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Lampros Koutas is an Associate Professor at the Dept. of Civil Engineering of The University of Thessaly, and a member of the Concrete Technology and Reinforced Concrete Structures Lab at the same Department. 

His qualifications include a Diploma in Civil Engineering, an MSc in Seismic Design of Structures and a PhD in Civil Engineering from The University of Patras (Greece). In the past, he has worked as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate at the Dept. of Civil and Structural Engineering of The University of Sheffield and at the Dept. of Civil Engineering of The University of Nottingham.

He has extensively worked in projects related to the use of composite materials (such as FRP, TRM) in retrofitting existing reinforced concrete and masonry structures, and has built an expertise in the use of textile-fibre composites in structural and earthquake engineering applications. He has published more than 50 papers in International Journals and Conferences.

He is a member of the fib Task Group 5.1 "FRP Reinforcement for Concrete Structures", and member of the RILEM MCC Committee on "Mechanical Characterization and Structural Design of Textile Reinforced Concrete". He has also reviewed more than 270 papers in 32 International Journals, while he is member of the International Editorial Board of the ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction.

Undergraduate Courses:

Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures I
Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures II
Assessment and Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Structures

Office Hours:
Monday       11:00 – 13:00
Tuesday      11:00 – 13:00

Web profiles:

Google Scholar
Twitter: @LamprosKoutas



Grigorios Tsinidis

   CIVStaff 13 small

Assistant Professor

Phone:  24210-7-4163
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr. Tsinidis is an Assistant Professor in Computational Geotechnical Engineering & Soil-Structure Interaction at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Thessaly, Greece, and a member of the Division of Geotechnical and Geo-Environmental Engineering. He holds a Diploma in Civil Engineering (2007), an MSc in Earthquake Engineering and Seismic Design of Structures (2008) and a PhD in Civil Engineering (2015) from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. His research interests lie in the fields of computational geotechnical engineering and soil-structure interaction, as well as infrastructure response and vulnerability to seismic and other natural hazards, with emphasis on underground structures, tunnels, and bridge foundations. He has extensively worked on the above topics in the frame of various research projects during his doctoral studies and as a Postdoctoral Researcher. He has published more than 55 articles in international scientific journals and conferences. Dr. Tsinidis has reviewed more than 110 articles for 26 International Scientific Journals. Additionally, he has worked as a Civil Engineer / Consultant for 2.5 years for consultancies in Vienna, Austria (FCP Fritsch, Chiari & Partner ZT GmbH, Vienna Consulting Engineers ZT GmbH), providing services in a variety of industrial projects worldwide, i.e., design of surface and deep foundations of bridges, design of excavations in densely constructed areas, design of temporary and permanent retaining structures, earthquake analyses of buildings, fatigue verifications of structural elements, designs of ballastless railway tracks etc. Currently, he acts as Principal investigator of research project: INFRARES - Towards resilient transportation infrastructure in a multi‐hazard environment, which is funded by the Hellenic Foundation for Research & Innovation.

Web profiles


Undergraduate Courses

Computational Geotechnical Engineering
Soil Mechanics Ι
Soil Dynamics

Office hours
Tuesday, 12:00 - 14:00
Wednesday, 12:00 – 14:00

Athanasios Theofilatos

   CIVStaff 13 small

Assistant Professor

Phone:  +30-24210-74113
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Personal Website

Dr. Athanasios (Akis) Theofilatos, is an Αssistant Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Thessaly. From 2019 to 2022 he worked as an Asistant Professor at Loughborough University, UK. Ηe is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) in the UK. He holds a Civil Engineering Diploma from National Technical University of Athens (NTUA, 2009), an M.Sc. in Transport from Imperial College/UCL (2010) and a Ph.D. in Transport Safety from NTUA (2015). Akis was a Marie-Curie Fellow (Eurotech) from 2018-2019 at Technical University of Munich.

His research focuses on road safety, accident analysis, sustainable transport, statistical methods, machine learning/deep learning and transportation/traffic engineering. Akis has more than 11 years of experience in several aspects of transportation safety and engineering, has participated in more than 10 research projects and has published 34 journal papers, 2 book chapters and more than 40 conference papers (Scopus h-index=14, Google Scholar h-index=19). Akis also serves as a reviewer for more than 30 scientific journals and is a member of the Standing Committee on Alcohol, Other Drugs, and Transportation (Transportation Research Board, TRB, 2018 –).

Undergraduate Courses:

Highway Engineering ΙΙ
Sustainable Urban Mobility
Public Transport

Office Hours (by appointment):
Monday 11:00 - 13:00 (online or in-person)
Wednesday 10:00 – 12:00 (online or in-person)

Web profiles:

Lampros Vasiliades


Assistant Professor

Office Tel: +30 2421074115
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr. Lampros Vasiliades is an Assistant Professor in Engineering Hydrology at the Hydraulics & Environmental Engineering Sector, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Thessaly, Greece. He was awarded a B.Sc. in Environmental Science from the University of the Aegean, Greece (1995), a M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering from the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK (1996) and a PhD (2010) in Hydrology and Hydroinformatics from the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Thessaly, Greece. Mr. Vasiliades is a registered professional environmental scientist in Greece and member of the Greek Committee for Water Resources Management, the Hellenic Meteorological Society, the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), the European Geosciences Union (EGU), the European Water Resources Association (EWRA), the Global Network for Environmental Sciences and Technology (Global Nest), the International Environmental Modelling & Software Society (iEMSs) and other professional and scientific organizations. He is Editor in Journals Water, Earth and Frontiers in Environmental Science and a regular reviewer in several international scientific journals. His research interests include: a) analysis, modelling, and forecasting of extreme hydrological events (floods and droughts), b) spatiotemporal analysis, estimation, and modelling of hydrometeorological and water quality data, c) deterministic and stochastic hydrological modelling, d) climate change impacts on the hydrological processes and water resources, e) water resources management, f) applications of geoinformatics on hydrology, water resources and hydrosystems and g) design and environmental impact assessment studies of hydrotechnical projects. Mr. Vasiliades is the author and co-author of more than 100 publications in refereed journals, international conference proceedings and technical reports. His published work has received over 1450 citations, as indicated in Scopus database search with h-index=20 and over 2700 citations, as indicated in Google Scholar database search (h-index=24, i-10-index=30). He has participated in several national and European research projects on hydrology, water resources management and the use of remote sensing and GIS in hydrology and water resources and he is National Representative and/or Substitute Member of Greece in COST Actions (i.e. COST ES1404, COST ES0901, CA15206).

Undergraduate Courses:
Geographic Information Systems
Management of Extreme Hydrological Phenomena
Hydrologic Modelling and Forecasting
Spatial Analysis Techniques and Remote Sensing Applications in Civil Engineering

Office Hours:
Monday     13:00 – 15:00
Tuesday    12:00 – 14:00

B.Sc. Environmental Science, Department of Environmental Studies, University of the Aegean, Greece (1995)
M.Sc. Environmental Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, U.K. (1996)
PhD in Hydrology and Water Resources, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece (2010)



Antonios Giannakopoulos



Elected Professor, School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University, Athens, Greece.

Panagiotis Tsopelas



Elected Associate Professor, School of Applied Mathematics and Physical Science, National Technical University, Athens, Greece.

Michael Petrou



Elected Professor, Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering, University of Cyprus.

Panagiotis Papanikolaou



Elected Assistant Professor, School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University, Athens, Greece.

Achilleas Papadimitriou



Elected Assistant Professor, School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University, Athens, Greece.

Marina Moretti



Elected Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, National Technical University, Athens, Greece.

Pantelis Kopelias


Assistant Professor

Tel. : +3024210-7-4165
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr. Pantelis Kopelias is an Assistant Professor at School of Civil Engineering at University of Thessaly (city of Volos, Greece). He holds a Diploma in Civil Engineering (1997) and a PhD (2002) in Traffic Engineering from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He teaches Traffic Engineering, Road Operations and Traffic management, Pavement Design and Management and ITS and Traffic Management Applications. He has participated in several EU and Greek Research and Development projects and Traffic studies in the area of Traffic Management, Road Safety and ITS. He is author or co-author in 20 scientific publications in journals and over 60 conferences papers with referees. He is member of the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers and also he is /was member of several organizations and scientific groups (TRB, IRF, IIAV). He has significant  - 20 years - professional experience as Civil and Traffic Engineer in areas of Traffic Operations, Traffic and Incident Management and Transportation studies.

Undergraduate Courses
Traffic Engineering
Road Operation and Traffic Management
Pavement Desigh and Construction

Graduate Courses

Office Hours
Monday  12:00-14:00
Wednesday 11:00-13:00
