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Special Teaching Staff Members

 Marios   Dr Marios Spiliotopoulos
  • Physics Ι
  • Physics ΙΙ
  • Spatial Analysis Techniques and Remote Sensing Applications in Civil Engineering
  • Probability and Statistics
  • Management of Extreme Hydrological Phenomena
    Office Hours:
     Thursday 16:00-18:00 
     Friday 12:00-14:00

fragkou   Dr Athanasios Fragkou    Office Hours:
     Monday    10:00 - 12:00
     Thursday  10:00 - 12:00

Teaching Associates
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(Research Fellow)                            

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(Technical Staff Member)
  • Technical Drawing & CAD          

Sessional Lecturers




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  • Computational Geotechnical Engineering 
  • Geotechnical Earth Structures 
  • Engineering Geology and Rock Mechanics 



     Dr. Ioannis Karakikes
  • Airport System Planning and Operation 
  • Design and Operation of Railway Transportation System
  • Design and Operation of Sea Transport Systems


noimage Dr. Theocharis Papatheoharis
  • Composite Structures
  • Prestressed Concrete and Bridge Elements