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Lecturer |
Tel. : +3024210-7-4159 |
Polyxeni Kallioglou is a Lecturer at the Department of Civil Engineering of University of Thessaly, and member of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental Engineering Division. She is engaged in the Experimental Methods of Soil Mechanics. Her other research interests are: Soil Mechanics and Soil Dynamics, Geotechnical Investigation, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Dynamic Properties of Natural Soils, Mechanical Behaviour of Cemented Soils, Marly Soils, Organic Soils and Partially Saturated Soils, Soil Structure Effect on the Behaviour of Geomaterials and Soil Improvement Methods.
Undergraduate Courses
Soil Mechanics ΙΙ
Special Topics of Soil Mechanics
Graduate Courses
Engineering & Marine Geology - Geotechnical Engineering
Office Hours
Wednesday 14:00 – 16:00
Thursday, 13:00 – 15:00
Civil Engineer, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (1996)
Ph.D., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (2003)
Recent Publications
Kallioglou, P. & Tika, Th., The influence of fines on the deformation properties of sands imposed to dynamic loading, Proc. of the International Symposium on Geomechanics from Micro to Macro (IS-Cambridge 2014), 1-4 September 2014, Cambridge, UK.
Καλλιόγλου Π. & Βαϊραμίδου Σ., Σύγχρονες διδακτικές προσεγγίσεις για την ανάπτυξη κοινωνικών δεξιοτήτων – Το παράδειγμα της εφαρμογής στη Γεωτεχνική Μηχανική, Πρακτικά του 6ου Πανελληνίου Συνεδρίου του ΕΛΛ.Ι.Ε.Π.ΕΚ., 5-7 Οκτωβρίου 2012, Αθήνα.
Tika, Th., Kallioglou, P. and Elpekos, St., Engineering properties of marls from small to large strains, Proc. of the XV European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ECSMGE 2011), 12-15 September 2011, Athens, Greece.
Tika, Th., Kallioglou, P., G. Koninis, P. Michaelidis, M. Efthimiou and Pitilakis, K., Dynamic properties of cemented soils from Cyprus, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Enviroment, Vol. 69, No. 2, pp. 295-307, 2010.
Kallioglou, P., Tika, Th., G. Koninis, St. Papadopoulos and Pitilakis, K., Shear modulus and damping ratio of organic soils, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp. 217-235, 2009.